Department of Education-funded research into creating an effective online education program that includes model rocketry and our very own Jolly Logic AltimeterOne
Author: John Beans
Dude Perfect Has a Field Day with AltimeterThree
AltimeterThree and its iPhone app play referee for five best friends and their rockets.
These guys clearly know how to have fun, and that’s probably why they have millions of viewers.
Chute Release and Water Rocketry
Don Moses of Stratofins created a great video that shows off a number of parachute deployment techniques, including a couple that use Chute Release on fat and slim water rockets.
Check out the video here:
AltimeterThree Flies High in Vienna
Peter Berger follows in Jürgen von Ramin’s footsteps and uses AltimeterThree to plot the flight performance of his high-flying (868 meters!) pigeons.
He wrote a very nice article about using AltimeterThree for flight performance analysis.
You can read the article (in German) here: